You need:
Set of light dumbbells
Set of medium dumbbells
Interval timer (or phone with timer app)
How to do the workout:
-complete this workout in a circuit format
-do each exercise for 45 seconds on 15 seconds off (45:15)
-take 45-60 seconds rest between circuit sets
-compete 3-4 sets depending on your fitness level
The workout:
- DB jumping jacks (light)
- DB bicep curls (medium)
- DB tricep kick-backs (light)
- DB sit-ups w/alternating punches (light)
- DB plank with alternating rows (medium)
- DB squat jumps (medium)
- DB alternating reverse lunges with shoulder press (light to medium)
- DB chest flyes with leg drops – on your back/bench (medium)
- DB Russian twists
- DB alternating forward lunges with lateral raises
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