Are you wondering how to structure your diet to build a Bikini, Wellness, or Figure body that can actually win?
Because, make no mistake…
Competitions are about hard work and taking home a trophy.
You need to know from the beginning the best way to eat for your body to achieve the final stage look.
There are many approaches to competitive dieting.
Should you follow a fixed or flexible diet?
Being super strict or fixed on the wrong diet or method can cause unnecessary plateaus.
Following a flexible diet with too many “trap doors” can cause bingeing and weight gain.
During the upcoming challenge, I will be discussing several diet methods that could be helpful (or harmful) to your overall success.
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What I will say right now is that there are 4-5 phases of contest prep.
…and each portion of your prep goes through those specific phases.
There are over a dozen areas of a competitor’s program that needs consistent tracking and adjustments.
Of all those areas, the diet can be the most tricky.
Don’t worry, I will be breaking it all down during the challenge.
Hope you can join us!