
Linda Bennett

LindaBeforeAfter-300x294Just a note of thanks! I purchased your program, Contest Prep Secrets, with the thought of “oh I will give it a try,” never expecting to make it all the way to the stage on November 11, 2011. You not only gave m the tools I needed but you made me realize that I had it in me to step out there and ROCK it! I never expected so much personal attention from you! I really just thought this was another e-book “program.” Because of your system and YOU, I now have 3 trophies in my office to remind me of all the hard work. I am a 48 year nurse and grandmother–yes it was hard work! Again, THANK YOU!

Kimberly Ross, Figure Pro

Kimberly-Goes-Pro-295x300In May 2012, I began competing and entered my first show ever. It had become pretty much a “bucket list” item. I researched, signed up, trained myself, and sought out good resources and advice from the likes of you. If you recall, my FIRST show I won Big (Overall) in Muscle Mania Lone Star. I then did my SECOND competition, November in Las Vegas–Muscle Mania’s largest show. I placed 3rd in open! I won my PRO CARD! And I was proud to be the oldest in the top 5–unbelievable! I just wanted to thank you because for all two (lol) shows I’ve used your Contest Prep Secrets. Thank you for all that you share!

Heather Vogel

Just listened to the MP3 of the call. THANK YOU!! That was so helpful, I really appreciate all the information and I have tons of pages of notes from it.

Laura Thomas

Thank you, thank you, and thank you!!! I LOVE finding new exercises to do and learning different forms of the standard exercises. I love your videos! Also, the box jumps with the weight vest and dumb bells looks like a killer!

Laurene Engelbrecht

thumbnail-Kimberly, I won first place! Thank you so much for being there for me every step of the way. I felt completely at ease and relaxed and by the way, the other girls were super jealous of my ‘gentle’ prep.  Some of them had been dehydrating completely for days and had started cutting carbs completely for weeks! They were burned out and exhausted. I felt bad for them, knowing that there is a better way to prep.  Thank you so much for your Contest Prep Secrets program and showing me that the healthy way is not only better for my body, it is also a winning formula!

Kimberly Ross

thumbnail-I just wanted to thank you for sharing your Content Prep Secrets with the online world. I am a complete novice and I was able to use your program to help me through the process. May 19th in Galveston, TX I entered the Muscle Mania Lone Start—my very first figure competition at the fabulous age of forty. With your program, this website, your insight, feedback and guidance I was able to use much of it all to bring home…1st Place Figure Short, 2nd Place Figure Classic and…(wait for it…) 1st Place Figure Overall! Thank you for the role you and your program played in my overall success!

Christa McLane

thumbnail-I was extremely pleased with the attention that Kimberly gave me. Her coaching program was so helpful and gave me the confidence that I needed to prepare for my first show. This was my first show and I won 6 trophies! The program is effective if YOU apply yourself and are dedicated to it!

Angie Brown

Kimberly is a supportive yet tough personal trainer. She helped me to change my lifestyle so that it’s not just about fitting into a smaller size with weight loss, but more about making sustainable changes. Her workouts are varied and challenging and (as long as you hold up your part) she will definitely get you to the results you want to see.