If you are new to figure or bikini training, it’s not easy to put together a solid schedule (split).
Why is this so important?
The amount of days you train, perform cardio and rest determines the level of muscle gain and fat loss you can achieve each week of your prep.
So, today’s tips are geared for the newbie competitor just getting started and not sure how to structure everything.
I created a Sample Training Split for this upcoming week just for you!
This schedule was created based on my Phase 1 Figure Training (pages 23-34). But you can come up with your own exercises based on the guidance provided.
FREE Sample Training Split <<< Download
I hope this helps you create some amazing workouts this week!
Hey, if you need to know how many exercises for each body part, sets, reps, tempo, rest periods, and amount of cardio each session–you can grab my complete training system here.
I would love info to train on my own.
I also want to become my own personal coach. Any help and advice?