Phase 1 (week 1-5) Erania went from 159lbs to 149lbs. Erania followed a pre-conditioning total body circuit (3-4 times a week) with moderate weight and reps. Cardio was steady state and low heart rate and intensity. The meal plans she followed during this time were very structured with specific macro nutrient percentages that were constantly tweaked (1400-1600).
Phase 2 (week 6-10) Erania went from 149lbs to 143lbs. Erania followed my circuit style training in a 3-day split. Cardio increased on some days and the type of machines and intervals were adjusted often. The meal plans she followed during this time included my first level of carb and calorie cycling techniques to get more fat loss (1200-1500).
Phase 3 (week 11-15) Erania went from 143lbs to 135lbs. Erania began following my more advanced circuits utilizing supersets for specific shaping and toning in the areas that were bulky on her physique. Cardio was a mix of longer steady state sessions and shorter high intensity bouts. The meal plans she followed during this time included my more advanced technique called “re-feed, deplete, and reset” where her diets were specific based on workouts or calories burned (1300-1700).
Phase 4 (week 16- 21) 135lbs to 130lbs. Erania is following a hybrid conditioning program that is truly specific to her final shaping needs. The focus is to continue to lean and reduce any muscle bulky areas. Cardio is really being manipulated now with food and supplements playing the biggest role in the final package we are creating to the stage. Erania’s program changes weekly and many times 2 times per week based on her results.
To get these type of results, you need a customized plan, closely monitor your program and be accountable to the outcome. Erania and I checked in several times a week via email, phone, zoom, or text to ensure she was super supported and guided on this journey.
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