3 Simple Steps to Be Stage Ready Next Year

Do you have some questions about how to prepare for a figure or bikini competition next year? Putting everything together to prep can be a little overwhelming, especially if its your first time.

That’s why I’m hitting you up today with 3 simple steps to be stage ready next year!

Step #1 Get a professional assessment. 

Hopefully, you have taken your measurements and stats. But do you know where they should be? What is the ideal weight and body fat for you to be competitive?

Having a professional assessment that details your strong and weak areas will help determine how long it will take to be ready. A professional can tell you what needs to be fixed, how to fix it, and save you unnecessary stress each week.

Step #2 Attend a local competition.

Attending a competition before will make you feel more comfortable when its your turn! You will get to see how the competitors look in your class and watch them step on stage. Then your training goals and timelines will make more sense when you see what you are working towards.

Step #3 Start your prep early!







Don’t wait until next year to begin your journey. Especially if you have excess weight and body fat to lose to be in the pre-contest window (15-20 pounds from stage). Most new competitors need everything! More shape, size, and symmetry.

That takes time…

Now, here’s the SECRET…

If you have 5-6 months or more before your show next year, divide your contest prep into 5 distinct segments:

Segment #1 Pre-prep (8 weeks) – focus would be on reducing body fat and building the foundation to muscle growth.

Segment #2 Size (8 weeks) – focus would be on increasing muscle size & shape, and maintaining body fat. You will need body fat to get through the volume of this segment.

Segment #3 Shape (2-4 weeks) – focus would be on body fat reduction for shape refinement.

Segment #4 Symmetry (2 weeks) – focus would be on losing excess water through conditioning.

Segment #5 Peak and Post (1-2 weeks) – focus would be on drying out safely, bringing a tight package to the judges, and post show transition.

The week after your show is where you start your healthy reversal back to your “pre-prep” weight and body fat.


That’s alot to wrap your head around right? 

Take it one phase at a time.

Want to begin tackling your 8-12 week pre-prep now before next year?

Schedule a FREE Coaching Call today!

I know next year is going to be amazing because you are starting now on your dream!

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